AECards Originals

more than just a card


With so much still coming our way, every day, pandemic and social distancing not withstanding, we are still so very blessed with so much around us, be it Art, Architecture, Nature, etc., so much to delight and inspire us, if we would just take the time...

At the beginning of the COVID19 confinement, I really missed the usual abundance of photo opportunities but the exercise of having to look for even the smallest signs of hope in what had become a silent and barren landscape, reminded me that even in the most difficult of times, when we really make up our minds, we will be surprised by what is out there, patiently waiting to be discovered…Discoveries which I gladly bring you through my original photocards. Please feel free to inquire about a custom set. Thanks!


I Love NY

I Love NY

I Love NY…Still!

One of the great things about living in a metropolis like NYC is that you never know what you’ll see on any given day which will inspire you. I love "I Love NY”, of course, and specifically, the way the window looks as though it’s a painted part of the mural.



Cloud Cover

Funny how every now and then, everything lines up so perfectly, as in this photo. I also like the buildings in perfect silhouette, creating a wonderful contrast with the golden orange cloud above. It also reminds me of the “pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night” (Exodus 13) all rolled up into one…The very first thing I thought, as I took this very special picture.

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The Hope Tree

A different type of cityscape. A living one, heralding Hope and reminiscent of the sheer and indomitable will to persevere, even in a living organism as common and basic as a tree!

Evening Rush

Or rather, what it used to be. I love the way everything is perfectly still above perfectly contrasting with all the commotion and movement at street level, below. Gone by days for now and who knows if and when they’ll ever return.

Update: The “Evening Rush” is returning!

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In a day and age of wholesale character assassination on social media, etc., this card (yes, it’s a greeting card!)simply gets the message across…A nice little reminder that LOVE is always the preferable option, the best default, good for all! A piece of New York street art at its best, (sticker on a traffic light post, enhanced).

Card stands alone, tent style, or may be framed.

Here’s another loving reminder suitable for posting from an old song:

“What the world needs now is Love, Sweet Love!…”

And even better yet:

“Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:8 NKJV

This POST NO HATE card is available free of charge! Simply request it via the “Connect!” page.

Our Eternal Message of Hope is that Dawn will come.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Vision, Liberty & Ingenuity…

“We have to do with the past only as we can make it useful to the present and to the future.”

Frederick Douglass

You never know where a striking work of art will make your day! The glass mosaic “Migration” by Christopher Wynter includes this portrait of Frederick Douglass which I happened upon, on a Harlem subway platform.

The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

“…Give me your tired, your poor, yearning to breathe free...”

from “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus

Excerpt from a poem penned by Emma Lazarus in an effort to raise funds to build a pedestal for the Statue of Liberty…A pedestal on which Lady Liberty still stands today, with that poem engraved on a plaque, enshrined beneath her feet…

I took this photo at the beginning of the pandemic at an immigrant street artist’s table. So much talent, from the world over, in this city called NYC!

The Statue of Liberty - Ellis Island Foundation

“A painting is music you can see and Music is a Painting you can Hear.”

Miles Davis

Great quote! I really like this composite image I created by way of the extremely welcome reflection on the gallery’s window, of the fire escape across the street, encompassing Miles Davis’ likeness. Moments like these are artistic wild cards. The fire escape fits in so perfectly, or rather, he blends in so perfectly, with his pensive pose, reminiscent of Rodin’s “The Thinker”. This card is one of my favorite creations due to the serendipity of it all. Great gift for art or music enthusiasts. What genius and complex personality for whom music very highly likely was an escape.

The Jazz Museum in Harlem’s Education Program.


The Nature Collection


The Notecard Collection